May 26, 2014

Blog partay!

Hi everyone!
My sister anna from  is doing a writing contest and blog party!  You get to answer 5 super awesome questions(for the blog party;)
So here they are!

1.favorite season?
Um, probably fall!

2.favorite color?

3.favorite author?
j.k rowling, or AVI

4.thing that inspires you most?
Bright colors, music, and awesome books!

Favorite thing about blogging?
Well, thats hard. Probably getting to meet new people, and I find out about a lot of other awesome blogs!
Well, thats it!  You should definitly check out anna's blog!  It's really cool!


Dream big!

Hi everyone!
I just had to post this, cause I wuv it sooooo much! THE TURTLE IS SO CUTE!

Happy memorial day!

Honoring the men and women that fought and died for our country.

Thank you

Hi everyone!
I have not posted anything in a few days, but right now I want to thank rose from truly. madly.deeply. ( for the awesome blog design! You should definitely check out her blog! It's really cool:) and she does awesome blog designs! Thanks so much rose!!!!!!!!!!!

May 21, 2014


Hi, my name is Layne :)
I love art, cats and horses, photography, music, and boots.
I am 12 years old and I live on a farm with lots of pets ( 2 dogs, 6 cats, 2 rabbits, and tons of chickens, and 13 guineas).
This blog is an "everything blog", I'll probably post lots of recipes, art, and just everything I love :)
I hope you enjoy my blog!
-Layne :)